Year Two UNI 3D Animation


Main character: Cyrus

Cyrus is a noble samurai sent by the village in the east kingdom to get rid of the goblin bandits that have been taxing every local citizen crossing their borders.

Enemy: Arun

Arun the leader of the bandits is a vicious creature that has been expanding his territory for the past few months with the help of the war going in the north and taking advantage of the lack of protection the citizens get in the east.

The samurai Cyrus travelled the sandy land of the east to find the goblin base and end the brutal actions they have committed. Once Cyrus found the base of goblins that was located on the border of the south-east border with the guidance of the broken road signs stanched in blood. Cyrus quickly realised that the goblins were taking refuge in the broken houses they raided. Quickly he hears a sound of footsteps in the far hollow window! There it was the goblin leader Arun growling in anger because Cyrus trespassed his territory without paying.


The main character slowly walks into the goblins territory.

The audience sees the feet of the character walking then they get a view of what he sees and it’s literally a desert with wood planks on the ground from houses that have been destroyed.

Then the goblin peeks through the window and the only thing you see are his eyes.

Then the goblin approaches the main character and stand in front of him.

The main character slowly walks to one side and draws his sword into Gedan no kamae which is the natural samurai stance where the samurai has his sword at a low angle and can keep distance from his enemy.

Then the goblin lifts his club and takes a step forward slowly whilst pushing the graven under his foot from the pressure.

The main character Cyrus then changes stances to Waki no kamae which then the samurai pushes his sword back and gets ready to attack.

Once Cyrus is in his position he lifts his head up and looks directly at the enemy.

Arun realises that Cyrus is ready to take him on so he moves slowly to the right as Cyrus is walking slowly to the left.

Arun then looks straight at Cyrus and whilst this is happening the audience gets a view of both characters staring at the camera as if the opponents are facing each other.

The camera then zooms out and we get to see both characters looking at each other getting ready to charge.

Arun uses his brute force to leap in the air and try to hit Cyrus with his mace.

Cyrus quickly reacts and runs towards him to deflect the hit.

Both characters stop each other’s hit but Arun loses balance.

Cyrus jumps back and charges again but this time Arun is not prepared for the counterattack and gets his head taken of.

Main Character Cyrus development and poses.

I found that creating situates makes it easy to create ideas for character poses and expressions.


Quick 2D Animation of storyboard


Reference and Ideas for sound.


For the sound I will be using old Japanese music:



Videos looked at for reference:


Video: AKBAN (Published on Aug 2, 2013) (Youtube Video)


Video:  MakeMeFamousCo (Published on Aug 5, 2012) (Youtube Video)


Video:  春はアケボノ  (Published on Mar 5, 2016) (Youtube Video)


Character development for Cyrus



Reference images

Sketches of Main Character


Character development for Arun

handin 11handin 10handin 12

hand in monster

Reference Images